Do you tend to hide your smile because of misaligned teeth, but don’t want to go through the pain and discomfort of metal braces? Do you think you need braces, but are embarrassed at being seen with metal braces at your age?
Introducing ClearCorrect invisible braces! With ClearCorrect, no one knows you have braces except for you! Sound too good to be true? Come into our office and check it out for yourself.
ClearCorrect uses a series of clear, custom, removable aligners. Here’s how it works: Visit the office every six weeks and Dr. Johnson will check the movement of your teeth. Because each aligner moves your teeth just a little bit at a time, no one will detect the gradual movement of your teeth until one day, someone realizes your teeth are completely straight!
How long does ClearCorrect take?
Most cases take about a year to complete, but each case is different. You will be re-evaluated every six weeks.
Is ClearCorrect expensive?
Again, it varies case by case, but often ClearCorrect is cheaper than the metal brackets and wires of tradition orthodontic treatment.
How do I know if ClearCorrect will work for me?
ClearCorrect has been used with a wide variety of common orthodontic problems. It will work with overly crowded and widely spaced teeth. It is effective with both overbites and overjets, and open bites. Schedule an appointment today (link to schedule page) for an evaluation of how this treatment can work for you!
View this video for more information – ClearCorrect 101.
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